
Dawn Grant Mind Training School

Attend Lectures, Clinics, Workshops, and Retreats

Dawn Grant's Mind Training School is a comprehensive approach to mind mastery. Attend lectures, clinics, workshops, and retreats at her Northeast Florida shotgun club, Amelia Shotgun Sports. Dawn's all-inclusive events feature a multi-faceted approach to stress-free, mindful living, weight loss and wellness, mind game mastery for athletes, and much more


My lectures are more than just a 2-hour talk. I take a hands-on approach to my seminars and leave no stone unturned as I teach the fundamentals of my Mental Training techniques. I will teach you how to find The Zone and harness it to empower your life.

The Zone is a mental place many athletes talk about but few know how to control. It’s where Peak Human Performance occurs. Tapping into The Zone isn’t just for sports competitors. Harnessing this mental state is beneficial to anyone who wants to enrich their lives, crush their goals, and live with joy. It’s a state of mind you can reach whether you’re an athlete, artist, or executive.

The Zone can be the hardest part of your mind to master, but I teach you how to do it using easy-to-grasp techniques while learning in a fun setting.

Enjoy Performing & Get Consistent Results Without Ever Losing Focus.

Cutting Edge Mental Training that will Revolutionize your Game



What It Is, How To Access It, And How To Use It To Perform Your Best Consistently And Keep Getting Better (even if you’ve struggled with focusing well in competition!)

During My Lecture, I Teach You HOW TO:

Consistently feel that you are performing to the best of your abilities!

Perform as well in competition as you do in practice!

Stop feeling stressed and frustrated at events!

Feel good about the time and money you’ve spent practicing and competing!

Comfortably and efficiently move on from a miss!

Maintain the lead and keep a streak going!

Have mental mastery and a strong mental game!

Actually, genuinely have fun competing again!!

Easily Drop Pounds and Create New Healthy Habits,
While Overcoming the Blocks to your Overall Wellness.

Powerful Mental Training and Skills that will Transform your Life and your Body



What Is A Healthy Mind & Body, How To Achieve Them, And How To Use Them To Be Your Best Consistently And Keep Getting Better No Matter Your Goals.

The mind is very powerful and it is the storage bank for all our habits, behaviors, mindsets and beliefs… all of which can either help or hinder you.

My techniques and methods will teach you how to tap into the power of your mind to make positive, productive changes. I can teach you how to have the best mindset and subconscious programming for health, weight loss and wellness.

During My Lecture, I Teach You HOW TO:

Understand your mind and how it helps or hinders you.

Learn skillsets to overcome limiting use of your mind, and unhealthy habits.

Stop feeling stressed and frustrated!

Consistently feel that you are being the best version of yourself!

Feel good about the time and money you’ve spent investing in yourself!

Comfortably and efficiently move on from a setback!

Maintain healthy new habits and keep improving!

Have mental mastery and a strong mind!

Actually, genuinely have fun while improving your mind and body!!

Genuinely Have Peace Of Mind and Enjoyment of Life,
While Free of Regret, Worries and Fears.

Enlightening Mental Training that will Improve your Mind and your Life



What It Is, How To Access It, And How To Use It To Be Stress-Free, Perform Your Best Consistently And Keep Getting Better No Matter Your Goals.

The Zone is a state of mind many athletes talk about but anyone can use it to perform their best in life whether they are an artist, athlete, executive, or stay-at-home mom. It just so happens to be a mindset that is Free Of Stress.

My techniques and methods I will teach you in order to tap into The Stress-Free Living Zone consistently are effective for anyone looking to live their best life, accomplish their goals, and meet each day with confidence and joy.

During My Lecture, I Teach You HOW TO:

Consistently feel that you are living life to the best of your abilities!

Perform well in life no matter what the circumstances!

Stop feeling stressed and frustrated when facing adversity and change!

Feel good about the time and money you’ve spent investing in yourself and your life!

Comfortably and efficiently move on from a setback in life!

Maintain consistent level of success and keep improving!

Have mental mastery and a strong mind!

Actually, genuinely have fun while improving your mind, body, and life!!


My Clinics are a multi-day dive into Mind Training. I take a hands-on approach to my seminars and leave no stone unturned as I teach the fundamentals of my Mental Training techniques, the science behind them, and how to apply them to your life. I will start by teaching you how to find The Zone and harness it to empower your life.

The Zone is a mental place many athletes talk about but few know how to control. Tapping into The Zone isn’t just for sports competitors, harnessing this mental state is beneficial to anyone who wants to enrich their lives, crush their goals, and live with joy.

The Zone can be the hardest part of your mind to master, but I teach you how to do it using easy-to-grasp techniques while learning in a fun setting.

After we tackle The Zone, we move into topics related to my unique approach to Mind Training. I teach the science behind Mind Training, how methods of Hypnosis can change your life, tools you’ll need to master your mind that you can implement immediately, and the process of creating an actionable plan that will help you hone your skills even after my clinic is over.

Three Day Clinics feature 6 Hours of Content each Day Plus Lunch and Breaks


Enjoy Performing & Get Consistent Results Without Ever Losing Focus

Cutting Edge Mental Training that will Revolutionize your Game

Day 1 LECTURE (Approx. 2 hours): 

The Elusive Zone

Day 2

Module 1: Peak Performance: The Mindset Of A Winner

1. Performance Improves In The Zone
2. Easily Access The Zone
3. Master The Mind To Help You Not Hinder You
4. 6 Tools To Get In The Zone Now

Day 3

Module 2: Create Consistency Now

1. Escape Limitations
2. Focus: Stop Your Wandering Mind
3. Lock In On Your Target
4. Your Thoughts Have Power, Use Them For An Advantage

What you will learn in Module 1

• My mental training process and its effective differences compared to traditional methods

• Fundamentals of the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the limitations of the Ego

• Fictions and truths about the Zone state

• The 8 highly achievable Zone puzzle pieces which will help you to get in the Zone and stay there

• Brain wave states and the benefits of Alpha, Theta states for optimal shooting performance

• Performing from Subconscious vs. Conscious

• Why you play better when you “don’t care” and how to learn to Let Go

• The truth about Hypnosis and how you can use it to peak your performance

• Stress and Anxiety vs. Calm and Present

• Skill sets that can be mastered and then used to manage your mind when performing

• 6 Tools of the Invisible Tool Belt

What you will learn in Module 2

• What truly causes anxiety and stress, and how to effectively release them

• Defense mechanisms that could prolong your problems

• How the type of conversations you have with fellow athletes and your instructor can either help or hinder your game

• 6 Channels of Conscious Mind

• The many different causes of a distracted mind and lack of focus

• Fear based thinking: worries, doubts, regrets, negative expectations

• How your body reacts to fear and its immediate effects on your performance

• Skills to eliminate your fear based thinking

Three Day Clinics feature 6 Hours of Content each Day Plus Lunch and Breaks


Easily Drop Pounds and Create New Healthy Habits,

While Overcoming the Blocks to your Overall Wellness

Powerful Mental Training and Skills that will Transform your Life and your Body

Day 1 Lecture (Approx. 2 hours):

Tackling The Elusive Healthy Mind & Body

Day 2

Module 1: Peak Human Performance: The Mindset Of A Master

Week 1 Mind: Human Performance Improves In The Stress-Free Zone
Body: Expert Advise & Your Unique Body

Week 2 Mind: Easily Access The Stress-Free Zone
Body: Benefits Of Being Your Ideal Weight

Week 3 Mind: Master The Mind To Help You Not Hinder You
Body: Create Better Drinking Habits

Week 4 Mind: 6 Tools To Get In The Stress-Free Zone Now
Body: What Nourishment Is Best For You

Day 3

Module 2: Create Equilibrium Now

Week 5 Mind: Escape Limitations
Body: Vitamins & Minerals

Week 6 Mind: Focus: Stop Your Wandering Mind and Destructive Thoughts
Body: Your Motivations For Change

Week 7 Mind: Lock In On The Present Moment
Body: Creating An Action Plan

Week 8 Mind: Your Thoughts Have Power, Use Them For An Advantage
Body: Create Better Eating Habits

What you will learn in Module 1

• My mental training process and its effective differences compared to traditional methods

• Fundamentals of the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the limitations of the Ego

• Fictions and truths about the Stress-Free Zone state

• The 8 highly achievable Stress-Free Zone puzzle pieces which will help you to get in the Stress-Free Zone and stay there

• Brain wave states and the benefits of Alpha, Theta states for optimal peace of mind

• Engage in life from Subconscious vs. Conscious

• Why things seem to work out better when you “don’t care” and learn how to Let Go

• The truth about Hypnosis and how you can use it to peak your human performance

• Stress and Anxiety vs. Calm and Present

• Skill sets that can be mastered and then used to manage your mind throughout the day

• 6 Tools of the Invisible Tool Belt

• The Body Skills: Expert Advise & Your Unique Body, Benefits Of Being Your Ideal Weight, Create Better Drinking Habits, and What Nourishment Is Best For You

What you will learn in Module 2

• What truly causes anxiety and stress, and how to effectively release them

• Defense mechanisms that could prolong your problems

• How the type of conversations you have with friends, family members and co-workers can either help or hinder you

• 6 Channels of Conscious Mind

• The many different causes of a distracted mind and lack of focus

• Fear based thinking: worries, doubts, regrets, negative expectations

• How your body reacts to fear and its immediate effects on your life and human performance

• Skills to eliminate your fear based thinking

• The Body Skills: Vitamins & Minerals, Your Motivations For Change, Creating An Action Plan, and Create Better Eating Habits

Three Day Clinics feature 6 Hours of Content each Day Plus Lunch and Breaks


Genuinely Have Peace Of Mind and Enjoyment of Life,

While Free of Regret, Worries and Fears.

Enlightening Mental Training that will Improve your Mind and your Life

Day 1 LECTURE (Approx. 2 hours)

The Elusive Stress-Free Living Zone

Day 2

Module 1: Peak Human Performance: The Mindset Of A Master

1. Human Performance Improves In The Stress-Free Zone
2. Easily Access The Stress-Free Zone
3. Master The Mind To Help You Not Hinder You
4. 6 Tools To Get In The Stress-Free Zone Now

Day 3

Module 2: Create Equilibrium Now

1. Escape Limitations
2. Focus: Stop Your Wandering Mind and Destructive Thoughts
3. Lock In On The Present Moment
4. Your Thoughts Have Power, Use Them For An Advantage

What you will learn in Module 1

• My mental training process and its effective differences compared to traditional methods

• Fundamentals of the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the limitations of the Ego

• Fictions and truths about the Stress-Free Zone state

• The 8 highly achievable Stress-Free Zone puzzle pieces which will help you to get in the Stress-Free Zone and stay there

• Brain wave states and the benefits of Alpha, Theta states for optimal peace of mind

• Engage in life from Subconscious vs. Conscious

• Why things seem to work out better when you “don’t care” and learn how to Let Go

• The truth about Hypnosis and how you can use it to peak your human performance

• Stress and Anxiety vs. Calm and Present

• Skill sets that can be mastered and then used to manage your mind throughout the day

• 6 Tools of the Invisible Tool Belt

What you will learn in Module 2

• What truly causes anxiety and stress, and how to effectively release them

• Defense mechanisms that could prolong your problems

• How the type of conversations you have with friends, family members and co-workers can either help or hinder you

• 6 Channels of Conscious Mind

• The many different causes of a distracted mind and lack of focus

• Fear based thinking: worries, doubts, regrets, negative expectations

• How your body reacts to fear and its immediate effects on your life and human performance

• Skills to eliminate your fear based thinking


My Workshops are a truly unique and transformative experience. We cover my entire Mind Training System over the course of a week-long series of talks, demonstrations, and exercises. I take a hands-on approach to my seminars and leave no stone unturned as I teach the fundamentals of my Mental Training techniques, the science behind them, and how to apply them to your life. I will start by teaching you how to find the Elusive Zone and harness it to empower your life.

The Elusive Zone is a mental place many athletes talk about but few know how to control. Tapping into The Elusive Zone isn’t just for sports competitors, harnessing this mental state is beneficial to anyone who wants to enrich their lives, crush their goals, and live with joy.

The Elusive Zone can be the hardest part of your mind to master, but I teach you how to do it using easy-to-grasp techniques while learning in a fun setting.

Once we’ve conquered The Elusive Zone, we move on to several other modules ranging in topics from Focus and Proficiency to Consistency and Calmness when Competing, and finishing with Mental Mastery plus a Bonus Lesson just for you and your team.

My Workshops feature a truly one-of-a-kind experience with tons of information and immediately useful techniques you won’t be taught anywhere else.

Workshops Feature 6 Hours of Content Each Day Plus Lunch and other Breaks


Enjoy Performing & Get Consistent Results Without Ever Losing Focus

Cutting Edge Mental Training that will Revolutionize your Game

Day 1 LECTURE (Approx. 2 hours)

The Elusive Zone

Day 2

Module 1: Peak Performance: The Mindset Of A Winner

1. Performance Improves In The Zone
2. Easily Access The Zone
3. Master The Mind To Help You Not Hinder You
4. 6 Tools To Get In The Zone Now

Day 3

Module 2: Create Consistency Now

1. Escape Limitations
2. Focus: Stop Your Wandering Mind
3. Lock In On Your Target
4. Your Thoughts Have Power, Use Them For An Advantage

Day 4

Module 3: Focused And Proficient: Skills to Get You There

1. The Focus Loop: 4 Step Process
2. Ah, The Calm, Quiet Mind: Why Complaining And Avoiding Don’t Work
3. Proficiency And Peak Performance: 7 Elements You Must Have
4. Unstoppable: Positive Thinking And Visualization Used Effectively

Day 5

Module 4: Consistent and Calm When Competing

1. The Miss: Move On Like A Champ
2. Focus On Being Your Best, Not On Your Score
3. Consistency: The 5 Skills That Create It
4. Genuinely Enjoy Being At A Tournament

Day 6

Module 5: Mental Mastery

1. Move In And Out Of The Zone At Will
2. The Secret Weapon: Better Focus
3. Access Your Subconscious Mind’s Performance Competency
4. Experience The Outcomes You Want

Plus Bonus on Day 6

BONUS: Efficiency Achieved: Your All Encompassing Pre-Segment Routine

What you will learn in Module 1

• My mental training process and its effective differences compared to traditional methods

• Fundamentals of the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the limitations of the Ego

• Fictions and truths about the Zone state

• The 8 highly achievable Zone puzzle pieces which will help you to get in the Zone and stay there

• Brain wave states and the benefits of Alpha, Theta states for optimal shooting performance

• Performing from Subconscious vs. Conscious

• Why you play better when you “don’t care” and how to learn to Let Go

• The truth about Hypnosis and how you can use it to peak your performance

• Stress and Anxiety vs. Calm and Present

• Skill sets that can be mastered and then used to manage your mind when performing

• 6 Tools of the Invisible Tool Belt

What you will learn in Module 2

• What truly causes anxiety and stress, and how to effectively release them

• Defense mechanisms that could prolong your problems

• How the type of conversations you have with fellow athletes and your instructor can either help or hinder your game

• 6 Channels of Conscious Mind

• The many different causes of a distracted mind and lack of focus

• Fear based thinking: worries, doubts, regrets, negative expectations

• How your body reacts to fear and its immediate effects on your performance

• Skills to eliminate your fear based thinking

What you will learn in Module 3

• The Focus Loop mental tool

• Achieving “Better Focus,” the real way

• Ending your attention deficit

• How complaining about or avoiding specific situations and certain other athletes can actually be hidden contributor to poor performance

• Steps towards enjoying the game again

• 7 Elements to Peak Performance

• Most of your competition will work on 1 Element and expect to do well, you will learn the other 6 elements that your winning performance depends upon

• Building Confidence vs tearing it down… there are many ways to build Confidence beside just winning, you will learn them

• Proper Positive Thinking and Visualizations, because there are tons of ‘experts’ teaching Positive Thinking and Visualization techniques… much of which doesn’t work or can even set you up for greater disappointment

What you will learn in Module 4

• How to efficiently move on after missing

• Keeping the Pressure and Expectations off when performing well or when on a streak

• Confidence is vital ingredient to consistent, long-term performance, so learn to build Confidence no matter what your score is

• Proper method of Visualizing the results of your previous performance

• Post-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• You already know the importance of not being Score or Outcome Focused, I’ll teach you how to actually effectively do it

• The errors unknowingly built into highly recommended Coping Skills like “just forget about it” or “loosen up and have fun”

• Short Term Improvement from Short Term Coping Skills

• Long Term Improvement from Long Term Coping Skills

• Have Fun Again… genuinely, and reap its rewards through better performance

What you will learn in Module 5

• You don’t have to ignore people between stations or pegs in order to stay in the Zone, master powerful mental skills so you can manage your mind through all conversations and comments

• Clear your mind completely of previous performance before engaging in new actions

• Set yourself up for success in each new action with Confidence and Zone Focus

• How to actually effectively implement the concept of ‘one moment at a time’ or ‘treat each moment as if it is your first’

• Tools for immediate implementation that will assist you in being your best as frequently as you choose to use them, most importantly between performances

• Intermission Routine mental skill tool

• Truth behind Focusing Harder and Focusing Better, how neither of them will work if done improperly

• Mastery of proper mental skill of Focus

• Obvious differences between performing from Conscious vs the Subconscious

• How to train your Conscious Mind to be cooperative and subservient to your Subconscious

• Truly Trusting and Performing from your Subconscious

• Segment Intending mental skill tool

• Benefits of Believing in Yourself and having Faith

• How to genuinely experience a profound level of Self-Esteem and Self-Image

• Mastery over the management of your Self-Esteem, Self-Image and Belief in Yourself

What you will learn in Bonus Lesson

• Pre-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• How to apply your mental mastery prior to engaging your mechanics or action

• All the steps which contribute to you being and performing your best in the moment you are entering

Workshops Feature 6 Hours of Content Each Day Plus Lunch and other Breaks


Easily Drop Pounds and Create New Healthy Habits,

While Overcoming the Blocks to your Overall Wellness

Powerful Mental Training and Skills that will Transform your Life and your Body

Day 1 Lecture (Approx. 2 hours):

Tackling The Elusive Healthy Mind & Body

Day 2

Module 1: Peak Human Performance: The Mindset Of A Master

Topic 1 Mind: Human Performance Improves In The Stress-Free Zone
Body: Expert Advise & Your Unique Body

Topic 2 Mind: Easily Access The Stress-Free Zone
Body: Benefits Of Being Your Ideal Weight

Topic 3 Mind: Master The Mind To Help You Not Hinder You
Body: Create Better Drinking Habits

Topic 4 Mind: 6 Tools To Get In The Stress-Free Zone Now
Body: What Nourishment Is Best For You

Day 3

Module 2: Create Equilibrium Now

Topic 5: Mind: Escape Limitations
Body: Vitamins & Minerals

Topic 6: Mind: Focus: Stop Your Wandering Mind and Destructive Thoughts
Body: Your Motivations For Change

Topic 7: Mind: Lock In On The Present Moment
Body: Creating An Action Plan

Topic 8:Mind: Your Thoughts Have Power, Use Them For An Advantage
Body: Create Better Eating Habits

Day 4

Module 3: Focused And Proficient: Skills to Get You There

Topic 9 Mind: The Focus Loop: 4 Step Process
Body: What Works For Your Typical Week

Topic 10 Mind: Ah, The Calm, Quiet Mind: Why Complaining And Avoiding Don’t Work
Body: Reading Labels And Grocery Shopping

Topic 11 Mind: Proficiency And Peak Human Performance: 7 Elements You Must Have
Body: Cleaning Out The Crud

Topic 12 Mind: Miraculousness: Positive Thinking And Visualization Used Effectively
Body: Importance Of Prepping

Day 5

Module 4: Consistent and Calm When Under Pressure

Topic 13 Mind: Didn’t Get Your Way: Overcome Difficult Times
Body: The Experience Of Eating

Topic 14 Mind: Focus On Being Your Best, Not On Musts
Body: Create Better Exercise Habits

Topic 15 Mind: Consistency: The Coping Skills That Create It
Body: Prepared For Potential Problems

Topic 16 Mind: Genuinely Enjoy Life Experiences
Body: Diligent Dining Out

Day 6

Module 5: Mental Mastery

Topic 17 Mind: Access The Stress-Free Zone More Frequently Every Day
Body: Create Better Sleep Habits

Topic 18 Mind: Genuinely Live In The Moment
Body: Avoid The Plateau Effect

Topic 19 Mind: Trust Your True Self And The Power Of Faith
Body: Meditation And Prayer Practices

Topic 20 Mind: Experience The Best In Life And Yourself
Body: Dessert And Treat Alternatives

Plus bonus

Topic 21 Mind: Mindfulness Achieved: Your Empowering Pre-Segment Routine
Body: Great Feelings And Healthy Cravings

What you will learn in Module 1

• My mental training process and its effective differences compared to traditional methods

• Fundamentals of the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the limitations of the Ego

• Fictions and truths about the Stress-Free Zone state

• The 8 highly achievable Stress-Free Zone puzzle pieces which will help you to get in the Stress-Free Zone and stay there

• Brain wave states and the benefits of Alpha, Theta states for optimal peace of mind

• Engage in life from Subconscious vs. Conscious

• Why things seem to work out better when you “don’t care” and learn how to Let Go

• The truth about Hypnosis and how you can use it to peak your human performance

• Stress and Anxiety vs. Calm and Present

• Skill sets that can be mastered and then used to manage your mind throughout the day

• 6 Tools of the Invisible Tool Belt

• The Body Skills: Expert Advise & Your Unique Body, Benefits Of Being Your Ideal Weight, Create Better Drinking Habits, and What Nourishment Is Best For You

What you will learn in Module 2

• What truly causes anxiety and stress, and how to effectively release them

• Defense mechanisms that could prolong your problems

• How the type of conversations you have with friends, family members and co-workers can either help or hinder you

• 6 Channels of Conscious Mind

• The many different causes of a distracted mind and lack of focus

• Fear based thinking: worries, doubts, regrets, negative expectations

• How your body reacts to fear and its immediate effects on your life and human performance

• Skills to eliminate your fear based thinking

• The Body Skills: Vitamins & Minerals, Your Motivations For Change, Creating An Action Plan, and Create Better Eating Habits

What you will learn in Module 3

• The Focus Loop mental tool

• Achieving “Better Focus,” the real way

• Ending your attention deficit

• How complaining about or avoiding specific situations and certain people can actually be hidden contributor to your on-going frustrations

• Steps towards enjoying your day to day life

• 7 Elements to Peak Human Performance

• Most other people will work on 1 Element and expect to do well, you will learn the other 6 elements that your peak human performance and successes depend upon

• Building Confidence vs tearing it down… there are many ways to build Confidence beside just “winning,” you will learn them

• Proper Positive Thinking and Visualizations, because there are tons of ‘experts’ teaching Positive Thinking and Visualization techniques… much of which don’t work or can even set you up for greater disappointment

• The Body Skills: What Works For Your Typical Week, Reading Labels And Grocery Shopping, Cleaning Out The Crud, and Importance Of Prepping

What you will learn in Module 4

• How to efficiently move on after something didn’t go your way

• Keeping the Pressure and Expectations off when things are going well

• Confidence is vital ingredient to consistent, long-term peak human performance, so learn to build Confidence no matter what others say or what is happening in your life

• Proper method of Visualizing for moving on from difficult times

• Post-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• You already know the importance of not being Outcome Focused, I’ll teach you how to actually effectively do it

• The errors unknowingly built into highly recommended Coping Skills like “just forget about it” or “lighten up and have fun”

• Short Term Improvement from Short Term Coping Skills

• Long Term Improvement from Long Term Coping Skills

• Have Fun Again… genuinely, and reap its rewards through better human performance and outcomes

• The Body Skills: The Experience Of Eating, Create Better Exercise Habits, Prepared For Potential Problems, and Diligent Dining Out

What you will learn in Module 5

• You don’t have to ignore people you don’t care for in order to stay in the Stress-Free Zone, master powerful mental skills so you can manage your mind through all conversations and comments

• Clear your mind completely of previous experiences before engaging in new experiences

• Set yourself up for success in each new action with Confidence and Stress-Free Zone Focus

• How to actually effectively implement the concept of ‘one moment at a time’ or ‘treat each moment as if it is your first’

• Tools for immediate implementation that will assist you in being your best as frequently as you choose to use them

• Intermission Routine mental skill tool

• Truth behind Focusing Harder and Focusing Better, how neither of them will work if done improperly

• Mastery of proper mental skill of Focus

• Obvious differences between participating in life from Conscious vs the Subconscious

• How to train your Conscious Mind to be cooperative and subservient to your Subconscious

• Genuinely Trusting your Subconscious and your True Self

• Segment Intending mental skill tool

• Benefits of Believing in Yourself and having Faith

• How to genuinely experience a profound level of Self-Esteem and Self-Image

• Mastery over the management of your Self-Esteem, Self-Image and Belief in Yourself


• Pre-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• How to apply your mental mastery prior to engaging in life experiences

• All the steps which contribute to you being and performing your best in the moment you are entering

• The Body Skills: Create Better Sleep Habits, Avoid The Plateau Effect, Meditation And Prayer Practices, Dessert And Treat Alternatives, and Great Feelings And Healthy Cravings

Workshops Feature 6 Hours of Content Each Day Plus Lunch and other Breaks


Genuinely Have Peace Of Mind and Enjoyment of Life,

While Free of Regret, Worries and Fears.

Enlightening Mental Training that will Improve your Mind and your Life

Day 1 LECTURE (2 hours late in day):

The Elusive Stress-Free Living Zone

Day 2

Module 1: Peak Human Performance: The Mindset Of A Master

1. Human Performance Improves In The Stress-Free Zone
2. Easily Access The Stress-Free Zone
3. Master The Mind To Help You Not Hinder You
4. 6 Tools To Get In The Stress-Free Zone Now

Day 3

Module 2: Create Equilibrium Now

1. Escape Limitations
2. Focus: Stop Your Wandering Mind and Destructive Thoughts
3. Lock In On The Present Moment
4. Your Thoughts Have Power, Use Them For An Advantage

Day 4

Module 3: Focused And Proficient: Skills to Get You There

1. The Focus Loop: 4 Step Process
2. Ah, The Calm, Quiet Mind: Why Complaining And Avoiding Don’t Work
3. Proficiency And Peak Human Performance: 7 Elements You Must Have
4. Miraculousness: Positive Thinking And Visualization Used Effectively

Day 5

Module 4: Consistent and Calm When Under Pressure

1. Didn’t Get Your Way: Overcome Difficult Times
2. Focus On Being Your Best, Not On Musts
3. Consistency: The Coping Skills That Create It
4. Genuinely Enjoy Life Experiences

Day 6

Module 5: Mental Mastery

1. Access The Stress-Free Zone More Frequently Every Day
2. Genuinely Live In The Moment
3. Trust Your True Self And The Power Of Faith
4. Experience The Best In Life And Yourself

Bonus on Day 6

BONUS: Mindfulness Achieved: Your Empowering Pre-Segment Routine

What you will learn in Module 1

• My mental training process and its effective differences compared to traditional methods

• Fundamentals of the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the limitations of the Ego

• Fictions and truths about the Stress-Free Zone state

• The 8 highly achievable Stress-Free Zone puzzle pieces which will help you to get in the Stress-Free Zone and stay there

• Brain wave states and the benefits of Alpha, Theta states for optimal peace of mind

• Engage in life from Subconscious vs. Conscious

• Why things seem to work out better when you “don’t care” and learn how to Let Go

• The truth about Hypnosis and how you can use it to peak your human performance

• Stress and Anxiety vs. Calm and Present

• Skill sets that can be mastered and then used to manage your mind throughout the day

• 6 Tools of the Invisible Tool Belt

What you will learn in Module 2

• What truly causes anxiety and stress, and how to effectively release them

• Defense mechanisms that could prolong your problems

• How the type of conversations you have with friends, family members and co-workers can either help or hinder you

• 6 Channels of Conscious Mind

• The many different causes of a distracted mind and lack of focus

• Fear based thinking: worries, doubts, regrets, negative expectations

• How your body reacts to fear and its immediate effects on your life and human performance

• Skills to eliminate your fear based thinking

What you will learn in Module 3

• The Focus Loop mental tool

• Achieving “Better Focus,” the real way

• Ending your attention deficit

• How complaining about or avoiding specific situations and certain people can actually be hidden contributor to your on-going frustrations

• Steps towards enjoying your day to day life

• 7 Elements to Peak Human Performance

• Most other people will work on 1 Element and expect to do well, you will learn the other 6 elements that your peak human performance and successes depend upon

• Building Confidence vs tearing it down… there are many ways to build Confidence beside just “winning,” you will learn them

• Proper Positive Thinking and Visualizations, because there are tons of ‘experts’ teaching Positive Thinking and Visualization techniques… much of which don’t work or can even set you up for greater disappointment

What you will learn in Module 4

• How to efficiently move on after something didn’t go your way

• Keeping the Pressure and Expectations off when things are going well

• Confidence is vital ingredient to consistent, long-term peak human performance, so learn to build Confidence no matter what others say or what is happening in your life

• Proper method of Visualizing for moving on from difficult times

• Post-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• You already know the importance of not being Outcome Focused, I’ll teach you how to actually effectively do it

• The errors unknowingly built into highly recommended Coping Skills like “just forget about it” or “lighten up and have fun”

• Short Term Improvement from Short Term Coping Skills

• Long Term Improvement from Long Term Coping Skills

• Have Fun Again… genuinely, and reap its rewards through better human performance and outcomes

What you will learn in Module 5

• You don’t have to ignore people you don’t care for in order to stay in the Stress-Free Zone, master powerful mental skills so you can manage your mind through all conversations and comments

• Clear your mind completely of previous experiences before engaging in new experiences

• Set yourself up for success in each new action with Confidence and Stress-Free Zone Focus

• How to actually effectively implement the concept of ‘one moment at a time’ or ‘treat each moment as if it is your first’

• Tools for immediate implementation that will assist you in being your best as frequently as you choose to use them

• Intermission Routine mental skill tool

• Truth behind Focusing Harder and Focusing Better, how neither of them will work if done improperly

• Mastery of proper mental skill of Focus

• Obvious differences between participating in life from Conscious vs the Subconscious

• How to train your Conscious Mind to be cooperative and subservient to your Subconscious

• Genuinely Trusting your Subconscious and your True Self

• Segment Intending mental skill tool

• Benefits of Believing in Yourself and having Faith

• How to genuinely experience a profound level of Self-Esteem and Self-Image

• Mastery over the management of your Self-Esteem, Self-Image and Belief in Yourself

What you will learn in Bonus Lesson

• Pre-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• How to apply your mental mastery prior to engaging in life experiences

• All the steps which contribute to you being and performing your best in the moment you are entering



My transformational retreats focus on the mind training skills and techniques you need to have genuine Peace of Mind and the ability to consistently Enjoy your Life. Finally learn how to Break Free from Fear, Regrets, and Worries.

As a long-time Mental Trainer and Hypnotist, I can’t wait to take you on a 10-day transformational journey featuring Mind Training sessions, hands-on demonstrations, and mental exercises.

The Stress-Free, Mindful Living Course is a comprehensive training approach featuring tons of immediately-applicable educational material you won’t find anywhere else.

When you attend my Retreats, you will see why athletes, companies, executives, and many others have worked with me over the years to learn how to successfully overcome mental blocks and obstacles, achieve happiness and crush goals.



Retreats take place at the Dawn Grant Mind Training School in Yulee, FL. My club, Amelia Shotgun Sports, sits on a beautiful working Timber Farm, and that’s where my Mind Training School events happen. We offer a peaceful, serene setting full of acres of tress, a crystal-blue lagoon, and comfy club house so you can decompress and relax while I teach you all about Mind Mastery.

My Mind Training School was created so individuals have a safe place to come and learn, and it’s all-inclusive so you don’t have to worry about leaving the property unless you want to explore shopping and restaurants nearby.

When you attend my Retreats, you’ll spend the day going through several educational modules full of fun, transformational exercises. And don’t worry, Lunch and Breaks are included! This well-rounded approach creates the environment for a truly transformational experience.



Dawn Grant Mind Training School Retreats are minutes away from beautiful Amelia Island, FL. Even though the Amelia Shotgun Sports property is quiet and tucked away from hustle and bustle, right down the road is one of the top tourist destinations in the country.

We work plenty of Amelia Island activities into our Retreats at Dawn Grant Mind Training School.

From water-centric activities like Beach Meditation to experiencing local cuisine and independent shops, spending time on Amelia Island is a joyful and decompressing experience.

While you’ll spend plenty of time on the Dawn Grant Mind Training School property working your way through mind training exercises and learning all about mental training, we work plenty of fun into our Retreats and Amelia Island is a big part of it.  The island helps make our events one-of-a-kind experiences.



My Retreats create a safe, fun, and relaxing environment to learn and thrive in while focusing on creating powerful, positive life changes.

While my Stress-Free, Mindful Living course is the backbone of the Retreat, I take a well-round approach to teaching you my methods and techniques.

Our Retreats feature expert guest speakers throughout your stay, fun activities such as nature walks, kayaking, hiking, and beach excursions and meditations,

Your transformational getaway wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the lively, welcoming culture of Amelia Island, FL. Dawn Grant Mind Training School is located minutes away from this beautiful and small-but-bustling beach town where you can find tons of shops, eateries, and water-front activities.


Genuinely Have Peace Of Mind and Enjoyment of Life,
While Free of Regret, Worries and Fears.

Enlightening Mental Training that will Improve your Mind and your Life



The Elusive Stress-Free Living Zone 

Module 1: Peak Human Performance: The Mindset Of A Master

1. Human Performance Improves In The Stress-Free Zone
2. Easily Access The Stress-Free Zone
3. Master The Mind To Help You Not Hinder You
4. 6 Tools To Get In The Stress-Free Zone Now

Module 2: Create Equilibrium Now

1. Escape Limitations
2. Focus: Stop Your Wandering Mind and Destructive Thoughts
3. Lock In On The Present Moment
4. Your Thoughts Have Power, Use Them For An Advantage

Module 3: Focused And Proficient: Skills to Get You There

1. The Focus Loop: 4 Step Process
2. Ah, The Calm, Quiet Mind: Why Complaining And Avoiding Don’t Work
3. Proficiency And Peak Human Performance: 7 Elements You Must Have
4. Miraculousness: Positive Thinking And Visualization Used Effectively

Module 4: Consistent and Calm When Under Pressure

1. Didn’t Get Your Way: Overcome Difficult Times
2. Focus On Being Your Best, Not On Musts
3. Consistency: The Coping Skills That Create It
4. Genuinely Enjoy Life Experiences

Module 5: Mental Mastery

1. Access The Stress-Free Zone More Frequently Every Day
2. Genuinely Live In The Moment
3. Trust Your True Self And The Power Of Faith
4. Experience The Best In Life And Yourself

BONUS: Mindfulness Achieved: Your Empowering Pre-Segment Routine

What you will learn in Module 1

• My mental training process and its effective differences compared to traditional methods

• Fundamentals of the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and the limitations of the Ego

• Fictions and truths about the Stress-Free Zone state

• The 8 highly achievable Stress-Free Zone puzzle pieces which will help you to get in the Stress-Free Zone and stay there

• Brain wave states and the benefits of Alpha, Theta states for optimal peace of mind

• Engage in life from Subconscious vs. Conscious

• Why things seem to work out better when you “don’t care” and learn how to Let Go

• The truth about Hypnosis and how you can use it to peak your human performance

• Stress and Anxiety vs. Calm and Present

• Skill sets that can be mastered and then used to manage your mind throughout the day

• 6 Tools of the Invisible Tool Belt

What you will learn in Module 2

• What truly causes anxiety and stress, and how to effectively release them

• Defense mechanisms that could prolong your problems

• How the type of conversations you have with friends, family members and co-workers can either help or hinder you

• 6 Channels of Conscious Mind

• The many different causes of a distracted mind and lack of focus

• Fear based thinking: worries, doubts, regrets, negative expectations

• How your body reacts to fear and its immediate effects on your life and human performance

• Skills to eliminate your fear based thinking

What you will learn in Module 3

• The Focus Loop mental tool

• Achieving “Better Focus,” the real way

• Ending your attention deficit

• How complaining about or avoiding specific situations and certain people can actually be hidden contributor to your on-going frustrations

• Steps towards enjoying your day to day life

• 7 Elements to Peak Human Performance

• Most other people will work on 1 Element and expect to do well, you will learn the other 6 elements that your peak human performance and successes depend upon

• Building Confidence vs tearing it down… there are many ways to build Confidence beside just “winning,” you will learn them

• Proper Positive Thinking and Visualizations, because there are tons of ‘experts’ teaching Positive Thinking and Visualization techniques… much of which don’t work or can even set you up for greater disappointment

What you will learn in Module 4

• How to efficiently move on after something didn’t go your way

• Keeping the Pressure and Expectations off when things are going well

• Confidence is vital ingredient to consistent, long-term peak human performance, so learn to build Confidence no matter what others say or what is happening in your life

• Proper method of Visualizing for moving on from difficult times

• Post-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• You already know the importance of not being Outcome Focused, I’ll teach you how to actually effectively do it

• The errors unknowingly built into highly recommended Coping Skills like “just forget about it” or “lighten up and have fun”

• Short Term Improvement from Short Term Coping Skills

• Long Term Improvement from Long Term Coping Skills

• Have Fun Again… genuinely, and reap its rewards through better human performance and outcomes

What you will learn in Module 5

• You don’t have to ignore people you don’t care for in order to stay in the Stress-Free Zone, master powerful mental skills so you can manage your mind through all conversations and comments

• Clear your mind completely of previous experiences before engaging in new experiences

• Set yourself up for success in each new action with Confidence and Stress-Free Zone Focus

• How to actually effectively implement the concept of ‘one moment at a time’ or ‘treat each moment as if it is your first’

• Tools for immediate implementation that will assist you in being your best as frequently as you choose to use them

• Intermission Routine mental skill tool

• Truth behind Focusing Harder and Focusing Better, how neither of them will work if done improperly

• Mastery of proper mental skill of Focus

• Obvious differences between participating in life from Conscious vs the Subconscious

• How to train your Conscious Mind to be cooperative and subservient to your Subconscious

• Genuinely Trusting your Subconscious and your True Self

• Segment Intending mental skill tool

• Benefits of Believing in Yourself and having Faith

• How to genuinely experience a profound level of Self-Esteem and Self-Image

• Mastery over the management of your Self-Esteem, Self-Image and Belief in Yourself

What you will learn in Bonus Lesson

• Pre-Segment Routine mental skill tool

• How to apply your mental mastery prior to engaging in life experiences

• All the steps which contribute to you being and performing your best in the moment you are entering

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Course Hours

Thursdays thru Mondays
8:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Tuesday + Wednesday

We Are CLOSED On The Following Holidays
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

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